It's 12.42 pm and am so hungry :( bs I can't eat anything bcoz we r having visitors so lazem I wait.
While waiting gelt khal adesh my blog o try to post something, ma legeet a7san min hal subject FOOD :P
Does anyone love food as much as I do ? :P and shino a7la akla and sweet et7eboona? For me, I love pastas o mushrooms o cheese saye7 o chicken "gemt asa3bel" akthar shay a7eba Italian and Mexican, and Indian food o ay shay latheeeth like machboos deyay o em3adas lol :P I have a long list walla hehehe and for sweets I love chocolates and chocolate cakes and wayed ashya' many thakrat'ha. I know Purgatory adores something that is called chocolate :P bs adry ena I adore it akthar mina eb waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayed :P
Right now aby akil Turtle " a dessert from TGI Fridays", maybe most of You know what it is o ely ma ey3arfoon well it is 3ebara 3an a piece of a chocolate cake and it's with hot chocolate sauce and on the top of it there is a scoop of vanilla ice cream that is covered with hot acramel sauce and nuts. waaay waaaay aby akilha now :s
o bs I think it's better for me to eat anything now .. coz am really HUNGRY :P
waiting for comments
13 years ago