Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Am I Weird?!

3 days ago, I was chatting with my friend about numbers. I told her about my thoughts about numbers from 1-9 and she laughed at me. I think she thinks that I am crazy :P Now am going to write the numbers and tell me what do you think of what I am going to say about them.

I always think of:

Number 1: as an old good man and so kind.
Number 2: as a nice lady ham she is old shwaya o she is also kind.
Number 3: as a handsome guy and have good manners, who also loves number 7.
Number 4: as a khoosh bent :P
Number 5: as a good guy too and number 4's brother.
Number 6: as a best friend of number 3, he is good too.
Number 7: as a very nice girl, innocent, shy and beautiful. She loves number 3.
Number 8: as a mean and wicked girl. She hates number 7, she always gets jealous from her and she is trying to reuin the relationship between 3 and 7.
Number 9: as a best friend of number 3 and 6, his sister is number 8.

hehehe adry sar film hindy :P bs really that's what I think of these numbers. I feel ena hal sefat layga 3ala kil number.


Purgatory said...

I am number 9

SoooMa said...

Purg i's nice to be number 9 :P
Maryam.. what do u mean by soap opra ? :P

I like number 3 and 7 :)