They have certain workers, called replets, that serve as living storage tans for the colony. The workers tht gather the honeydew feed it to the repletes after returning to the nest.
The gaster of a replete becomes so swollen with honeydew that the ant cannot walk. it hangs motionless from the ceiling of a chamber in the nest. A replete regugitates some honeydew whenever a nestmate taps it with its antennae.
Honey Ants live in dry, warm regions throughout the world.
I was really amazed when I watched it because the ants look weird do you agree? and I don't know how do they walk with the tank behind of them. I also watched something disgusting heheheh, an old woman took an ant and then she sucked the tank "eeeeeeeeew" I can't forget the scene, here are some pictures.





Well, I guess law el nas daraw ena e7na nakhith el3 asal minhom blv me ma7ad ra7 yakla aslan :P
Heheheheh ur este3ab 7ada ba6ee' sakeetay 3alay :P
Well, I am glad you found this topic as an interesting one :) thank you
BigBot, we all suffer from the traffic in Kuwait :( and I think ena el honey ants can drive you to work because of the heavy tanks that they carry, I think that they can carry anything.
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