Yesterday Me and Maryam and her sis went to Hard Rock around 12. It was really nice and we really had fun, the most important thing is that we ordered nachos it was "yummyyyyyyyyyyyyy" am still thinking of it and I want to go over there again o eat nachos :P Maryam I was going to tell you lets order another one lol bs gelt 3eeb lazem asawy nafsy shab3ana :P
We Also had drinks I ordered Mojito "soda+lime+peppermint" o her sis ordered Virgin Margarita "blue one" o Maryam ordered something weird :P o akher shay 6ala3 mo 7ilo hehehehehe bs thak el yom awal mara eyseer kil shay 3indohom 7ilo o 7ar.. thanx Maryam 3ala hal 6al3a hehehe
ba6ni :P
Purg shfeeeh ba6nik ? :P
Maryam well a7san ma 6alabt coz remember I am walking :P fa 7araam akil wayed hehehe
lol sorry Maryam neseeet :P THESE PICS WERE TAKEN BY MARYAM chithi a7san heheheh
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