Friday, December 31, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Honey Ants
They have certain workers, called replets, that serve as living storage tans for the colony. The workers tht gather the honeydew feed it to the repletes after returning to the nest.
The gaster of a replete becomes so swollen with honeydew that the ant cannot walk. it hangs motionless from the ceiling of a chamber in the nest. A replete regugitates some honeydew whenever a nestmate taps it with its antennae.
Honey Ants live in dry, warm regions throughout the world.
I was really amazed when I watched it because the ants look weird do you agree? and I don't know how do they walk with the tank behind of them. I also watched something disgusting heheheh, an old woman took an ant and then she sucked the tank "eeeeeeeeew" I can't forget the scene, here are some pictures.
Friday, December 10, 2004
Diamond's Effect..
A place in different seasons..
Thursday, December 02, 2004
A song that calms me down..
I am not sure which part of the song that calms me but I guess it's bcoz of the la7an.
Enjoy the song.
لو على قلبي
لو على قلبي داب في هواك وكفايه ..... ليل و سهر وعناد ويايا
جوا عيوني حنين و غرام ... مشتاق لعنيك
قلبي نادالك حن فيوم وتعالا ...... وأدّيك روحي بس تعالا
يلي بحبك قرب ... طمن قلبي عليك
بتغيب أيام وليالي .... و إنت ما بتغيب عن بالي
و تروح وتسبني عليك مشغول..... بحلم بعنيك و غرامك
وبدوب في هواك و كلامك .... ولا ليلة أناليّ علي تطول
لو على قلبي داب في هواك وكفايه .... ليل و سهر وعناد ويايا
جوا عيوني حنين و غرام ... مشتاق لعنيك
-- موسيقى --
إسمع مني و عيش مع قلبي زماني .... و تدوب فيا و احبك تاني
كفايه عشت كتير من قبلك... بحلم بيك
تبعد عني ليه طب منا قدامك ... بسأل قلبك إيه أحلامك
لو تتمنى الدنيا بحالها... تكون بإيديك
بتغيب أيام وليالي .... و إنت ما بتغيب عن بالي
و تروح وتسبني عليك مشغول ... بحلم بعنيك و غرامك
وبدوب في هواك و كلامك .... ولا ليلة أناليّ علي تطول
لو على قلبي داب في هواك وكفايه ..... ليل و سهر وعناد ويايا
جوا عيوني حنين و غرام ... مشتاق لعنيك
قلبي نادالك حن فيوم وتعالا ..... وأدّيك روحي بس تعالا
يلي بحبك قرب ... طمن قلبي عليك
Monday, November 22, 2004
I love it laman etma6er shwaya ...
o el jaw feeh hawa khafeef o barad ...
o a7la shay mako sun ...7ada yabeela ga3da 3al ba7ar..
or being with some1 u love :P coz el jaw romantic..
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Hard Rock in Kuwait..
and there is space for dancing too bs no one did yet :P
We went over there y3ny to celebrate my birthday, I wish ena I didn't :P I was so embarresed
because my friends wanted to surprise me by letting all the waiters to sing for me :( I am a shy person and I don't like hal 7arakat. So they came and they were yelling at me and wanted me to stand next to them "fashla" o fooq hatha el place kan feeh shabab and ako one family ga3deen yamna shway ahwan ehheehhe. I had to sing with them, a7la shay kan ako Americans they sang for me too :P
The most embarresing part is when they finished singing, the waiter told me to take the cherry from the cake eb my mouth and infront of everyone, I told him ena I don't want to do that, and I hate cherry. He was 7anaan so I had to do it ebser3a :S o aham shay he pushed my head 3al plate o wayhy tedamar shwaya. My friends laughed out loud o I just smiled lol and sat ebser3a.
Ma3a kil hatha, I really had fun that night. THe weather was great and it was raining kan shay 3ajeeeeeeeb. Bs 7asafa I didn't take a pic of the place so you can see it, bs you should go :)
Friday, November 19, 2004
Happy Birthday To Me ..
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
The True Meaning..
I also think that it is true :P tell me what do you think.
enjoy reading :)
When Women say:
Yes = No
No = Yes
Maybe = No
We need = I want
I'm sorry = You'll be sorry
We need to talk = I need to complain
Sure, go ahead = I don't want you to
Is my butt fat? = Tell me I'm beautiful
what Do you want = You'll pay for this later
I'm not upset = Of course I'm upset, you moron!
Are you listening to me?? = Too late, you're dead
You have to learn to communicate = Just agree with me
Be romantic, turn out the lights = I have flabby thighs
You're so ... manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot
Do you love me? = I'm going to ask for something expensive
It's your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now
You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about?
I'll be ready in a minute = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on TV
How much do you love me? = I did something today that you're really not going to like
When Men say:
I'm hungry = I'm hungry
I'm sleepy = I'm sleepy
I'm tired = I'm tired
Nice dress = Nice cleavage!
I love you = Let's have sex now
I'm bored = Do you want to have sex?
What's wrong? = I guess sex is out of the question
May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you
Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you
Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you
Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you
Will you marry me? = I want to make it illegal for you to have sex with other guys
You look tense, let me give you a massage = I want to have sex with you within the next ten minutes
Let's talk = I am trying to impress you by showing that I am a deep person and then I'd like to have sex with you
I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay
Note: Sorry 3al some words
Am I Weird?!
I always think of:
Number 1: as an old good man and so kind.
Number 2: as a nice lady ham she is old shwaya o she is also kind.
Number 3: as a handsome guy and have good manners, who also loves number 7.
Number 4: as a khoosh bent :P
Number 5: as a good guy too and number 4's brother.
Number 6: as a best friend of number 3, he is good too.
Number 7: as a very nice girl, innocent, shy and beautiful. She loves number 3.
Number 8: as a mean and wicked girl. She hates number 7, she always gets jealous from her and she is trying to reuin the relationship between 3 and 7.
Number 9: as a best friend of number 3 and 6, his sister is number 8.
hehehe adry sar film hindy :P bs really that's what I think of these numbers. I feel ena hal sefat layga 3ala kil number.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Do you think it's true??
"How to Keep a Woman Happy"
It's not difficult ... ?!? All you have to do is to be:
1. A friend
2. A companion
3. A lover
4. A brother
5. A father
6. A master
7. A chef
8. An electrician
9. A carpenter
10. A plumber
11. A mechanic
12. A decorator
13. A stylist
14. A sexologist
15. A gynecologist
16. A psychologist
17. A pest exterminator
18. A psychiatrist
19. A healer
20. A good listener
21. An organizer
22. A good father
23. Very clean
24. Sympathetic
25. Athletic
26. Warm
27. Attentive
28. Gallant
29. Intelligent
30. Funny
31. Creative
32. Tender
33. Strong
34. Understanding
35. Tolerant
36. Prudent
37. Ambitious
38. Capable
39. Courageous
40. Determined
41. True
42. Dependable
43. Passionate
44. Give her compliments regularly
45. Love shopping
46. Be honest
47. Be very rich
48. Not stress her out
49. Not look at other girls
50. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
51. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself
52. Give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes
53. Never to forget:
* birthdays
* anniversaries
* arrangements she makes
1. Leave him in peace, NO Nagging (very, very, very important).
2. Feed him well, in both food and bed!
3. Let him have the remote control. (J)
Friday, October 15, 2004
Did You Notice Something this Ramadan?
Today, I just saw mosalseleen and i was shocked. mosalsal 7a6een fe wa7da etkalim her bf o etgoola kalam mala da3y yengal o jidam el yahal o el other mosalsal a kwty grandfather eyroo7 el shalih 7ag wanasta!! o sowalif 7aflat o maskhara .. o el moshkila ey7e6oona ba3ad.
I don't know why they are showing hal sowalif, 7ata law enha ga3da etseer sij bel kwt bs hmm fashla jidam bagy el Arab countries. There is a big difference between mosalsalatna o mosalsalat el so3odeya o qatar, sij ena they show bad stuff etseer 3indohom bs they show them eb 6areeqa raqya shway.
All i can say now, allah yaster min bagy el 7alqaat o el coming mosalsalat in the future.
Color Yourself Into Therapy..
Friday, October 08, 2004
Also, I like it when they say ZUMAAAAAH!! they are like calling my name SoooMa "my dala3 name" :P maybe you think ena am crazy bs go try it and see heheheh. So enjoy playing ZUMA :)
Now am thinking to post something hmmmmm nice o interesting at the same time. I hope eny ma ag6a3 again, if i did akeed beykoon 3indy reasons.
By the way, Happy Ramadan moqadaman aby akoon awal wa7da abareklokom eb hal shahar :)
wanasaaa a7la shay el food :P and watch TV even if there were boring programs.
Have a nice day :D
Friday, September 24, 2004
Dancing Hippo
Saturday, September 11, 2004
now, I have to think of things to talk about.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Am Sick
Monday, August 30, 2004
Are You Dating the Right Sign for Your Personality?
On the other hand, I like reading about the personalities of each sign, because most of the time it helps me to know the person who am talking to. So while surfing the net, I found this quizz. It's really interesting, I took it and I found out that the right sign for me is Cancer. I really love Cancers maybe because they are sensitive like me and besides that we share common things. Click here to take the quizz or enter here and click on "Are You Dating...". Have fun :)
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Techinal Support
Dear Tech Support:
Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources.
In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors all other system activity.
Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Football 5.0, Hunting and Fishing 7.5, and Racing 3.6 no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected. I can't seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the x-udground while attempting to run my favorite applications. I'm thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0, but the uninstall doesn't work on Wife 1.0.
Please help!
A Troubled User.
Dear Troubled User:
This is a very common problem that men complain about.
Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0, thinking that it is just a Utilities and Entertainment program.
Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!!! It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and to return to Girlfriend 7.0. It is impossible to uninstall, or purge the program files from the system once installed.
You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is designed to not allow this.
Look in your Wife 1.0 manual under Warnings-Alimony/Child Support." I recommend that you keep Wife1.0 and work on improving the situation. I suggest installing the x-udground application "Yes Dear" to alleviate software augmentation.
The best course of action is to enter the command C: \ APOLOGIZE. Because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the system will return to normal anyway.
Wife 1.0 is a great program, but it tends to be very high maintenance. Wife 1.0 comes with several support programs, such as Clean and Sweep 3.0, Cook It 1.5 and Do Bills 4.2.
However, be very careful how you use these programs. Improper use will cause the system to launch the program Nag Nag 9.5. Once this happens, the only way to improve the performance of Wife 1.0 is to purchase additional software. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Diamonds 5.0 !
DO NOT, under any circumstances, install Secretary With Short Skirt 3.3. This application is not supported by Wife 1.0 and will cause irreversible damage to the operating system.
Best of luck,
Tech Support
Is it ok to be Single?
I know people who are single and they are happy in their life, they are not losers. They are successful in their careers and enjoy their social life.
I hope for all to find the right person, get married and live happily ever after. If not, you can still "live happily ever after". Don’t worry, being single is not that bad after all, and remember to keep on smiling :)
Friday, August 27, 2004
Mr/Ms Right
I couldn’t sleep and it’s 3.17 am!! But I read an interesting article in Cosmopolitan magazine. I copied the article so you can take a look at it; I cancelled 3 traits because I don’t think that they are really important as these 7. Click here for those who wants to read the whole article. Enjoy :)
Are You His Ms. Right?
You've already decided he is the one for you. But have you won his heart yet? Find out here. We simply turned to Lisa Daily, syndicated relationship columnist and author of Stop Getting Dumped, who promises to help readers find and marry "the one" in three years or less. Daily followed her own advice and married her dream man, who proposed at the top of the Eiffel Tower after a six-month courtship. Now, she is determined to help other single gals do the same. A dating guru, Daily interviewed -- and continues to do so -- hundreds of bachelors to find out what makes a woman marriage material in this day and age. Here, Daily dishes about the 10 traits every man is looking for in a serious girlfriend:
7 Traits Men Look for in a Girlfriend:
1. She has a life of her own -- and it's pretty good to boot. Ladies, this means that you take care of yourself, pay attention to your personal style and find time to hang with your fabulous friends and family. You seek adventure by traveling. And you take in life's pleasures -- from indulging in dessert to walking through the park on a sunny day. "You don't expect your boyfriend to be your entire existence," says Daily. In other words, you're not waiting for some man to show up, so you can get your "real life" started.
2. She never makes the first move. This issue has been debated to death, and there is no true consensus. But Daily says that she strongly believes women should never, ever pursue a man. Instead, she suggests waiting for the man to initiate and plan dates. Her reasoning: If the woman is always the one calling, she will never know if he is really interested in her or if it's just convenient for him. She may find herself questioning the relationship every step of the way. Men simply aren't programmed to think like that and therefore are better suited to the chase, Daily says.
3. She does little things to show she cares. Daily has one friend who noticed that her traveling salesman boyfriend never had time to get his shirts washed, so he would just go out and buy new ones. Her friend started to drop off his laundry at the dry cleaners once a week. Daily herself cooks for her husband. "It's as if he doesn't even know where the kitchen is," she says. "But that's not to say that he starves when I'm out of town." No, you do not have to turn into June Cleaver. The bottom line is that you should want to do the little things that let him know you care and you are paying attention to his individual needs. And he should do the same for you. Daily boasts that her man scrapes the ice off her windshield on cold winter mornings!
4. She never turns on the pressure. This one is important. Men have a distinct aversion to any sort of pressure, says Daily. Therefore, women should avoid calling and/or emailing him many times during the day or dropping hints about the future. In fact, keep the dreaded M-word (marriage) out of your vocabulary all together. "Men don't want to constantly take the pulse of a relationship," says Daily. "They would rather just enjoy it."
5. She does not take any crap -- from anyone. A good woman never accepts bad behavior. Guys respect women with whom they can't get away with anything. If he knows there's a penalty -- like getting thrown to the curb -- for a serious violation like cheating, he'll respect you more, and he will be far less likely to do it. You should also never even bother to date married men, those who already have girlfriends or anyone who verbally or physically threatens or abuses you. Period.
6. A good woman always chooses a good man. That means that you should look for someone who is honest and dependable. He has to treat you right. If he says he is going to be somewhere, he is there. Chivalry is not dead, by the way. "Good manners are a deeper window into what kind of man he truly is," Daily says. You should also have compatible views on money (which is the number one thing couples fight about). Even though they say opposites attract, savers should think twice before shacking up with wild spenders.
7. She knows that love is the biggest part of the mating equation. Just how does a good woman know that she has found that crazy-for-you, toe-curling relationship? Daily says that some women have an "a-ha" moment, while love simply sneaks up on the rest. "I believe the feeling includes a unique sense of comfort and acceptance and the feeling that someone else's happiness is as important to you as your own," Daily says. "A certain amount of toe curling is key as well."
Why we don't enjoy life like we did in old times?
Why we can't find good friends anymore? and if we did they hurt us.
Why do people change for worst instead of changing for the best?
Thursday, August 26, 2004
An Introduction
I saw MadM2000's blog and other blogs in kuwaitblogs, I really liked them because they are really nice and interesting blogs. Because of that, I decided to create my own blog. I don't know what am I going to talk about, but I hope that people will like my blog :)